Source code for neural_tangents._src.stax.branching

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"""Branching functions.

These layers split an input into multiple branches or fuse multiple inputs from
several branches into one.

import functools
from typing import Callable, Iterable, Optional, Sequence
import warnings

from jax import numpy as jnp
import jax.example_libraries.stax as ostax

from ..utils.kernel import Kernel
from ..utils.typing import InternalLayer
from ..utils.typing import InternalLayerMasked
from ..utils.typing import Kernels
from .requirements import layer
from .requirements import supports_masking

[docs] @layer def FanOut(num: int) -> InternalLayer: """Fan-out. This layer takes an input and produces `num` copies that can be fed into different branches of a neural network (for example with residual connections). Args: num: The number of going edges to fan out into. Returns: `(init_fn, apply_fn, kernel_fn)`. """ init_fn, apply_fn = ostax.FanOut(num) kernel_fn = lambda k, **kwargs: [k] * num return init_fn, apply_fn, kernel_fn
[docs] @layer @supports_masking(remask_kernel=False) def FanInSum() -> InternalLayerMasked: """Fan-in sum. This layer takes a number of inputs (e.g. produced by :obj:`~neural_tangents.stax.FanOut`) and sums the inputs to produce a single output. Based on :obj:`jax.example_libraries.stax.FanInSum`. Returns: `(init_fn, apply_fn, kernel_fn)`. """ init_fn, apply_fn = ostax.FanInSum def kernel_fn(ks: Kernels, **kwargs) -> Kernel: ks, is_reversed = _preprocess_kernels_for_fan_in(ks) if not all([k.shape1 == ks[0].shape1 and k.shape2 == ks[0].shape2 for k in ks[1:]]): raise ValueError('All shapes should be equal in `FanInSum/FanInProd`, ' f'got `x1.shape`s of {[k.shape1 for k in ks]}, ' f'`x2.shape`s of {[k.shape2 for k in ks]}.') is_gaussian = all(k.is_gaussian for k in ks) if not is_gaussian and len(ks) != 1: # TODO(xlc): FanInSum/FanInConcat could allow non-Gaussian inputs, but # we need to propagate the mean of the random variables as well. raise NotImplementedError('`FanInSum` is only implemented for the ' 'case where all input layers guaranteed to be ' 'mean-zero Gaussian, i.e. having all ' '`is_gaussian` set to `True`, got ' f'{[k.is_gaussian for k in ks]}.') _mats_sum = lambda mats: None if mats[0] is None else sum(mats) cov1s = [k.cov1 for k in ks] cov2s = [k.cov2 for k in ks] nngps = [k.nngp for k in ks] ntks = [k.ntk for k in ks] cov1, cov2, nngp, ntk = map(_mats_sum, (cov1s, cov2s, nngps, ntks)) return Kernel( cov1=cov1, cov2=cov2, nngp=nngp, ntk=ntk, x1_is_x2=ks[0].x1_is_x2, is_gaussian=is_gaussian, is_reversed=is_reversed, is_input=ks[0].is_input, diagonal_batch=ks[0].diagonal_batch, diagonal_spatial=ks[0].diagonal_spatial, shape1=ks[0].shape1, shape2=ks[0].shape2, batch_axis=ks[0].batch_axis, channel_axis=ks[0].channel_axis, mask1=None, mask2=None, ) # pytype:disable=wrong-keyword-args def mask_fn(mask, input_shape): return _sum_masks(mask) return init_fn, apply_fn, kernel_fn, mask_fn
[docs] @layer @supports_masking(remask_kernel=False) def FanInProd() -> InternalLayerMasked: """Fan-in product. This layer takes a number of inputs (e.g. produced by :obj:`~neural_tangents.stax.FanOut`) and elementwise-multiplies the inputs to produce a single output. Returns: `(init_fn, apply_fn, kernel_fn)`. """ init_fn, _ = ostax.FanInSum def apply_fn(params, inputs, **kwargs): return functools.reduce(jnp.multiply, inputs) def kernel_fn(ks: Kernels, **kwargs) -> Kernel: ks, is_reversed = _preprocess_kernels_for_fan_in(ks) if not all([k.shape1 == ks[0].shape1 and k.shape2 == ks[0].shape2 for k in ks[1:]]): raise ValueError('All shapes should be equal in `FanInProd`.') is_gaussian = len(ks) == 1 and ks[0].is_gaussian def _mats_prod(nngps, ntks): if None in ntks: return functools.reduce(jnp.multiply, nngps), None nngp_prod, ntk_prod = 1., 0. for nngp, ntk in zip(nngps, ntks): ntk_prod = ntk_prod * nngp + nngp_prod * ntk nngp_prod *= nngp return nngp_prod, ntk_prod cov1s = [k.cov1 for k in ks] cov2s = [k.cov2 for k in ks] nngps = [k.nngp for k in ks] ntks = [k.ntk for k in ks] cov1 = functools.reduce(jnp.multiply, cov1s) cov2 = None if None in cov2s else functools.reduce(jnp.multiply, cov2s) nngp, ntk = _mats_prod(nngps, ntks) return Kernel( cov1=cov1, cov2=cov2, nngp=nngp, ntk=ntk, x1_is_x2=ks[0].x1_is_x2, is_gaussian=is_gaussian, is_reversed=is_reversed, is_input=ks[0].is_input, diagonal_batch=ks[0].diagonal_batch, diagonal_spatial=ks[0].diagonal_spatial, shape1=None, shape2=None, batch_axis=ks[0].batch_axis, channel_axis=ks[0].channel_axis, mask1=None, mask2=None, ) # pytype:disable=wrong-keyword-args def mask_fn(mask, input_shape): return _sum_masks(mask) return init_fn, apply_fn, kernel_fn, mask_fn
[docs] @layer @supports_masking(remask_kernel=False) def FanInConcat(axis: int = -1) -> InternalLayerMasked: """Fan-in concatenation. This layer takes a number of inputs (e.g. produced by :obj:`~neural_tangents.stax.FanOut`) and concatenates the inputs to produce a single output. Based on :obj:`jax.example_libraries.stax.FanInConcat`. Args: axis: Specifies the axis along which input tensors should be concatenated. Returns: `(init_fn, apply_fn, kernel_fn)`. """ init_fn, apply_fn = ostax.FanInConcat(axis) def kernel_fn(ks: Kernels, **kwargs) -> Kernel: ks, is_reversed = _preprocess_kernels_for_fan_in(ks) diagonal_batch = ks[0].diagonal_batch diagonal_spatial = ks[0].diagonal_spatial shape1, shape2 = ks[0].shape1, ks[0].shape2 ndim = len(shape1) _axis = axis % ndim batch_axis = ks[0].batch_axis channel_axis = ks[0].channel_axis new_shape1 = shape1[:_axis] + shape1[_axis + 1:] new_shape2 = shape2[:_axis] + shape2[_axis + 1:] for k in ks: k_shape1 = k.shape1[:_axis] + k.shape1[_axis + 1:] k_shape2 = k.shape2[:_axis] + k.shape2[_axis + 1:] if k_shape1 != new_shape1 or k_shape2 != new_shape2: raise ValueError('Non-`axis` shapes should be equal in `FanInConcat`.') # Check if inputs are independent Gaussians. if _axis != channel_axis: is_gaussian = all(k.is_gaussian for k in ks) if not is_gaussian: # TODO(xlc): FanInSum/FanInConcat could allow non-Gaussian inputs, but # we need to propagate the mean of the random variables as well. raise NotImplementedError( '`FanInConcat` layer along the non-channel axis is only implemented' 'for the case if all input layers guaranteed to be mean-zero ' 'Gaussian, i.e. having all `is_gaussian` set to `True`.') else: # TODO(romann): allow nonlinearity after channelwise concatenation. # TODO(romann): support concatenating different channelwise masks. is_gaussian = False if _axis == batch_axis: warnings.warn(f'Concatenation along the batch axis ({_axis}) gives ' f'inconsistent covariances when batching - ' f'proceed with caution.') spatial_axes = tuple(i for i in range(ndim) if i not in (channel_axis, batch_axis)) # Change spatial axis according to the kernel `is_reversed`. if _axis in spatial_axes and is_reversed: _axis = spatial_axes[::-1][spatial_axes.index(_axis)] # Map activation tensor axis to the covariance tensor axis. tensor_axis_to_kernel_axis = { **{ batch_axis: 0, channel_axis: -1, }, **{ spatial_axis: idx + 1 for idx, spatial_axis in enumerate(spatial_axes) } } _axis = tensor_axis_to_kernel_axis[_axis] widths = [k.shape1[channel_axis] for k in ks] cov1 = _concat_kernels([k.cov1 for k in ks], _axis, diagonal_batch, diagonal_spatial, widths) cov2 = _concat_kernels([k.cov2 for k in ks], _axis, diagonal_batch, diagonal_spatial, widths) nngp = _concat_kernels([k.nngp for k in ks], _axis, False, diagonal_spatial, widths) ntk = _concat_kernels([k.ntk for k in ks], _axis, False, diagonal_spatial, widths) return Kernel(cov1=cov1, cov2=cov2, nngp=nngp, ntk=ntk, x1_is_x2=ks[0].x1_is_x2, is_gaussian=is_gaussian, is_reversed=is_reversed, is_input=ks[0].is_input, diagonal_batch=diagonal_batch, diagonal_spatial=diagonal_spatial, shape1=None, shape2=None, batch_axis=batch_axis, channel_axis=channel_axis, mask1=None, mask2=None) # pytype:disable=wrong-keyword-args def mask_fn(mask, input_shape): return _concat_masks(mask, input_shape, axis) return init_fn, apply_fn, kernel_fn, mask_fn
# INTERNAL UTILITIES def _map_tuples(fn: Callable, tuples: Iterable[tuple]) -> tuple: return tuple(map(fn, zip(*(t for t in tuples)))) def _sum_masks(masks: list[Optional[jnp.ndarray]]) -> Optional[jnp.ndarray]: def add_two_masks(mask1, mask2): if mask1 is None: return mask2 if mask2 is None: return mask1 return mask1 & mask2 mask = functools.reduce(add_two_masks, masks, None) return mask def _concat_masks( masks: list[Optional[jnp.ndarray]], input_shapes: Sequence[Sequence[int]], axis: int ) -> Optional[jnp.ndarray]: """Returns a mask which is a concatenation of `masks`. Since elements of `masks` can have any shapes broadcastable to respective elements of `input_shapes`, their concatenation may require broadcasting and cannot be done with a single `jnp.concatenate` call. Args: masks: list of masks to concatenate. input_shapes: list of input shapes to which the masks are applied. axis: concatenation axis. Returns: A single `jnp.ndarray` mask applicable to the concatenated inputs. """ if len(masks) != len(input_shapes): raise ValueError(f'Number of masks ({len(masks)}) and inputs ' f'({len(input_shapes)}) don\'t match, please file a bug at' f'') if all(m is None for m in masks): return None axis %= len(input_shapes[0]) # Expand the concatenation dimension of each mask. masks = [m if m is None else jnp.broadcast_to( m, (m.shape[:axis] + tuple(input_shapes[i][axis: axis + 1]) + m.shape[axis + 1:])) for i, m in enumerate(masks)] # Max shape to broadcast all masks to along non-concat dimension. max_shape = _map_tuples(max, (m.shape for m in masks if m is not None)) # Shape of the mask to replace `None` masks with. max_shapes = [tuple(map(min, max_shape, i)) for i in input_shapes] masks = [ (jnp.broadcast_to( m, max_shape[:axis] + m.shape[axis: axis + 1] + max_shape[axis + 1:]) if m is not None else jnp.zeros_like(max_shapes[i], dtype=jnp.bool_)) # pytype: disable=wrong-arg-types # jnp-type for i, m in enumerate(masks) ] return jnp.concatenate(masks, axis) def _preprocess_kernels_for_fan_in(ks: Kernels) -> tuple[list[Kernel], bool]: # Check diagonal requirements. if not all(k.diagonal_batch == ks[0].diagonal_batch and k.diagonal_spatial == ks[0].diagonal_spatial and k.batch_axis == ks[0].batch_axis and k.channel_axis == ks[0].channel_axis for k in ks[1:]): raise NotImplementedError('`FanIn` layers are only implemented for the ' 'case if all input layers output the same layout ' 'of covariance matrices, i.e. having all ' 'matching `diagonal_batch` and ' '`diagonal_spatial` and other attributes.') # If kernels have different spatial axes order, transpose some of them. n_kernels = len(ks) n_reversed = sum(ker.is_reversed for ker in ks) ks = list(ks) if n_reversed > n_kernels / 2: is_reversed = True for i in range(n_kernels): if not ks[i].is_reversed: ks[i] = ks[i].reverse() else: is_reversed = False for i in range(n_kernels): if ks[i].is_reversed: ks[i] = ks[i].reverse() # Warnings. warnings.warn('`FanIn` layers assume independent inputs which is not verified' ' in the code. Please make sure to have at least one `Dense` / ' '`Conv` / `GlobalSelfAttention` etc. layer in each branch.') return ks, is_reversed def _concat_kernels( mats: Sequence[Optional[jnp.ndarray]], axis: int, diagonal_batch: bool, diagonal_spatial: bool, widths: Sequence[int] ) -> Optional[jnp.ndarray]: """Compute the covariance of concatenated activations with given covariances. Args: mats: Covariance tensors of the same shape. axis: Specifies the axis along which the covariances (not activations) are concatenated. `-1` corresponds to averaging. diagonal_batch: Specifies whether `cov1` and `cov2` store only the diagonal of the sample-sample covariance (`diagonal_batch == True`, `cov1.shape == (batch_size_1, ...)`), or the full covariance (`diagonal_batch == False`, `cov1.shape == (batch_size_1, batch_size_1, ...)`). diagonal_spatial: Specifies whether only the diagonals of the location-location covariances will be computed, (`diagonal_spatial == True`, `nngp.shape == (batch_size_1, batch_size_2, height, width, depth, ...)`), or the full covariance (`diagonal_spatial == False`, `nngp.shape == (batch_size_1, batch_size_2, height, height, width, width, depth, depth, ...)`). widths: list of integer channel widths of the finite model inputs. Returns: New `jnp.ndarray` representing covariance between concatenated activations. """ if mats[0] is None: return None n_mats = len(mats) mat_ndim = mats[0].ndim # Averaging if concatenating along features or diagonalized dimension. if axis == -1: if all(w == widths[0] for w in widths): widths = [1] * len(widths) mat = sum(mats[i] * widths[i] for i in range(n_mats)) / sum(widths) # Simple concatenation along the axis if the axis is not duplicated. elif ((axis == 0 and diagonal_batch) or (axis != 0 and diagonal_spatial)): concat_axis = axis + (0 if diagonal_batch else 1) mat = jnp.concatenate(mats, concat_axis) # 2D concatenation with insertion of 0-blocks if the axis is present twice. else: rows = [] pad_axis = max(0, 2 * axis - (1 if diagonal_batch else 0)) for i, mat in enumerate(mats): pads = [(0, 0)] * mat_ndim pads[pad_axis] = ( sum(mats[j].shape[pad_axis] for j in range(i)), sum(mats[j].shape[pad_axis] for j in range(i + 1, n_mats)) ) rows.append(jnp.pad(mat, pads)) mat = jnp.concatenate(rows, pad_axis + 1) return mat