Source code for neural_tangents._src.stax.elementwise

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"""Elementwise nonlinearities / activation functions.

For details, please see "`Fast Neural Kernel Embeddings for General Activations

import functools
import operator as op
from typing import Callable, Optional, Sequence
import warnings

import jax
from jax import custom_jvp
from jax import grad
from jax import numpy as jnp
from jax import vmap
from jax.scipy.special import erf
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp

from ..utils import utils
from ..utils.kernel import Kernel
from ..utils.typing import InternalLayer
from ..utils.typing import LayerKernelFn
from .requirements import Diagonal
from .requirements import get_diagonal
from .requirements import get_diagonal_outer_prods
from .requirements import layer
from .requirements import requires
from .requirements import supports_masking

[docs] @layer @supports_masking(remask_kernel=True) def Erf( a: float = 1., b: float = 1., c: float = 0. ) -> InternalLayer: """Affine transform of `Erf` nonlinearity, i.e. `a * Erf(b * x) + c`. Args: a: output scale. b: input scale. c: output shift. Returns: `(init_fn, apply_fn, kernel_fn)`. """ def fn(x): return a * erf(b * x) + c def kernel_fn(k: Kernel) -> Kernel: k *= b cov1, nngp, cov2, ntk = k.cov1, k.nngp, k.cov2, k.ntk cov1_denom = 1 + 2 * cov1 cov2_denom = None if cov2 is None else 1 + 2 * cov2 prod11, prod12, prod22 = get_diagonal_outer_prods(cov1_denom, cov2_denom, k.diagonal_batch, k.diagonal_spatial, op.mul) factor = 2 / jnp.pi def nngp_ntk_fn( nngp: jnp.ndarray, prod: jnp.ndarray, ntk: Optional[jnp.ndarray] = None ) -> tuple[jnp.ndarray, Optional[jnp.ndarray]]: square_root = _sqrt(prod - 4 * nngp**2) nngp = factor * jnp.arctan2(2 * nngp, square_root) if ntk is not None: dot_sigma = 2 * factor / square_root ntk *= dot_sigma return nngp, ntk def nngp_fn_diag(nngp: jnp.ndarray) -> jnp.ndarray: return factor * jnp.arctan2(nngp, jnp.sqrt(nngp + 1. / 4)) nngp, ntk = nngp_ntk_fn(nngp, prod12, ntk) if k.diagonal_batch and k.diagonal_spatial: cov1 = nngp_fn_diag(cov1) if cov2 is not None: cov2 = nngp_fn_diag(cov2) else: cov1, _ = nngp_ntk_fn(cov1, prod11) if cov2 is not None: cov2, _ = nngp_ntk_fn(cov2, prod22) k = k.replace(cov1=cov1, nngp=nngp, cov2=cov2, ntk=ntk) return a * k + c return _elementwise(fn, f'Erf({a}, {b}, {c})', kernel_fn)
[docs] def Sigmoid_like(): """A sigmoid like function `f(x) = .5 * erf(x / 2.4020563531719796) + .5`. The constant `2.4020563531719796` is chosen so that the squared loss between this function and the ground truth sigmoid is minimized on the interval `[-5, 5]`; see Returns: `(init_fn, apply_fn, kernel_fn)`. """ return Erf(a=0.5, b=1/2.4020563531719796, c=0.5)
[docs] @layer @supports_masking(remask_kernel=False) def Gabor() -> InternalLayer: """Gabor function `exp(-x^2) * sin(x)`. Returns: `(init_fn, apply_fn, kernel_fn)`. """ def fn(x): return jnp.exp(-x ** 2) * jnp.sin(x) def kernel_fn(k: Kernel) -> Kernel: cov1, nngp, cov2, ntk = k.cov1, k.nngp, k.cov2, k.ntk prod11, prod12, prod22 = get_diagonal_outer_prods( cov1, cov2, k.diagonal_batch, k.diagonal_spatial, op.mul) sum11, sum12, sum22 = get_diagonal_outer_prods( cov1, cov2, k.diagonal_batch, k.diagonal_spatial, op.add) def nngp_ntk_fn( nngp: jnp.ndarray, prod: jnp.ndarray, sum_: jnp.ndarray, ntk: Optional[jnp.ndarray] = None ) -> tuple[jnp.ndarray, Optional[jnp.ndarray]]: diff = 4 * (prod - nngp**2) denom = 2 * sum_ + diff + 1 num = sum_ + diff + 2 * nngp exp_left = jnp.exp(-num / (2 * denom)) exp_right = jnp.exp(2 * nngp / denom) if ntk is not None: shared_term = 1 + 2 * sum_ + 4 * (nngp**2 + prod) diff_term = 4 * nngp * (diff + 3 * sum_ + 2) lhs = shared_term - diff_term rhs = shared_term + diff_term t_dot = exp_left * (lhs + exp_right * rhs) / denom**(5. / 2) ntk *= t_dot / 2 nngp = exp_left * (exp_right - 1) / (2 * _sqrt(denom)) return nngp, ntk def nngp_fn_diag(nngp: jnp.ndarray) -> jnp.ndarray: denom = 1 + 4 * nngp return (1 - jnp.exp(-2 * nngp / denom)) / (2 * _sqrt(denom)) nngp, ntk = nngp_ntk_fn(nngp, prod12, sum12, ntk) if k.diagonal_batch and k.diagonal_spatial: cov1 = nngp_fn_diag(cov1) if cov2 is not None: cov2 = nngp_fn_diag(cov2) else: cov1, _ = nngp_ntk_fn(cov1, prod11, sum11) if cov2 is not None: cov2, _ = nngp_ntk_fn(cov2, prod22, sum22) return k.replace(cov1=cov1, nngp=nngp, cov2=cov2, ntk=ntk) return _elementwise(fn, 'Gabor', kernel_fn)
[docs] @layer @supports_masking(remask_kernel=False) def Gelu(approximate: bool = False) -> InternalLayer: """Gelu function. Args: approximate: only relevant for finite-width network, `apply_fn`. If `True`, computes an approximation via `tanh`, see "`Gaussian Error Linear Units (GELUs) <>`_" and :obj:`jax.nn.gelu` for details. Returns: `(init_fn, apply_fn, kernel_fn)`. """ def fn(x): return jax.nn.gelu(x, approximate=approximate) def kernel_fn(k: Kernel) -> Kernel: """Compute kernels after a `Gelu` layer. For NNGP see "`Avoiding Kernel Fixed Points: Computing with ELU and GELU Infinite Networks <>`_". """ cov1, nngp, cov2, ntk = k.cov1, k.nngp, k.cov2, k.ntk cov1_plus_1 = cov1 + 1 cov2_plus_1 = None if cov2 is None else cov2 + 1 prod11_plus_1, prod12_plus_1, prod22_plus_1 = get_diagonal_outer_prods( cov1_plus_1, cov2_plus_1, k.diagonal_batch, k.diagonal_spatial, op.mul) prod11, prod12, prod22 = get_diagonal_outer_prods( cov1, cov2, k.diagonal_batch, k.diagonal_spatial, op.mul) def nngp_ntk_fn( nngp: jnp.ndarray, prod: jnp.ndarray, prod_plus_1: jnp.ndarray, ntk: Optional[jnp.ndarray] = None ) -> tuple[jnp.ndarray, Optional[jnp.ndarray]]: delta_squared = prod_plus_1 - nngp**2 delta = _sqrt(delta_squared) angles = jnp.arctan2(nngp, delta) new_nngp = (nngp**2 + prod * delta_squared) / (prod_plus_1 * delta) new_nngp += nngp * angles new_nngp /= 2 * jnp.pi new_nngp += 0.25 * nngp if ntk is not None: second_term = 0.25 + angles / (2 * jnp.pi) first_term = 1 / delta_squared + (1 - prod) / prod_plus_1 + 1 first_term *= nngp / delta / (2. * jnp.pi) dot_sigma = first_term + second_term ntk *= dot_sigma return new_nngp, ntk def nngp_fn_diag(nngp: jnp.ndarray) -> jnp.ndarray: square_root = jnp.sqrt(1. + 2. * nngp) new_nngp = nngp / ((nngp + 1.) * jnp.sqrt(1. + 2. * nngp)) new_nngp += jnp.arctan2(nngp, square_root) / 2 new_nngp /= jnp.pi new_nngp += 0.25 new_nngp *= nngp return new_nngp nngp, ntk = nngp_ntk_fn(nngp, prod12, prod12_plus_1, ntk) if k.diagonal_batch and k.diagonal_spatial: cov1 = nngp_fn_diag(cov1) if cov2 is not None: cov2 = nngp_fn_diag(cov2) else: cov1, _ = nngp_ntk_fn(cov1, prod11, prod11_plus_1) if cov2 is not None: cov2, _ = nngp_ntk_fn(cov2, prod22, prod22_plus_1) return k.replace(cov1=cov1, nngp=nngp, cov2=cov2, ntk=ntk) return _elementwise(fn, 'Gelu', kernel_fn)
[docs] @layer @supports_masking(remask_kernel=True) def Sin( a: float = 1., b: float = 1., c: float = 0. ) -> InternalLayer: """Affine transform of `Sin` nonlinearity, i.e. `a sin(b*x + c)`. Args: a: output scale. b: input scale. c: input phase shift. Returns: `(init_fn, apply_fn, kernel_fn)`. """ def fn(x): return a * jnp.sin(b * x + c) def kernel_fn(k: Kernel) -> Kernel: cov1, nngp, cov2, ntk = k.cov1, k.nngp, k.cov2, k.ntk sum11, sum12, sum22 = get_diagonal_outer_prods(cov1, cov2, k.diagonal_batch, k.diagonal_spatial, op.add) half_a_square = a**2 / 2. def nngp_ntk_fn(nngp, sum_, ntk=None): s1 = jnp.exp(b ** 2 * (-0.5 * sum_ + nngp)) s2 = jnp.exp(b ** 2 * (-0.5 * sum_ - nngp)) * jnp.cos(2 * c) nngp = half_a_square * (s1 - s2) if ntk is not None: ntk *= half_a_square * b**2 * (s1 + s2) return nngp, ntk def nngp_fn_diag(nngp): return half_a_square * (1. - jnp.exp(-2 * b ** 2 * nngp) * jnp.cos(2 * c)) nngp, ntk = nngp_ntk_fn(nngp, sum12, ntk) if k.diagonal_batch and k.diagonal_spatial: cov1 = nngp_fn_diag(cov1) if cov2 is not None: cov2 = nngp_fn_diag(cov2) else: cov1, _ = nngp_ntk_fn(cov1, sum11) if cov2 is not None: cov2, _ = nngp_ntk_fn(cov2, sum22) return k.replace(cov1=cov1, nngp=nngp, cov2=cov2, ntk=ntk) return _elementwise(fn, f'Sin({a}, {b}, {c})', kernel_fn)
[docs] def Cos( a: float = 1., b: float = 1., c: float = 0. ) -> InternalLayer: """Affine transform of `Cos` nonlinearity, i.e. `a cos(b*x + c)`. Args: a: output scale. b: input scale. c: input phase shift. Returns: `(init_fn, apply_fn, kernel_fn)`. """ return Sin(a=a, b=b, c=c + jnp.pi / 2)
[docs] @layer @supports_masking(remask_kernel=True) def Rbf(gamma: float = 1.0) -> InternalLayer: """Dual activation function for normalized RBF or squared exponential kernel. Dual activation function is `f(x) = sqrt(2)*sin(sqrt(2*gamma) x + pi/4)`. NNGP kernel transformation correspond to (with input dimension `d`) `k = exp(- gamma / d * ||x - x'||^2) = exp(- gamma*(q11 + q22 - 2 * q12))`. Args: gamma: related to characteristic length-scale (l) that controls width of the kernel, where `gamma = 1 / (2 l^2)`. Returns: `(init_fn, apply_fn, kernel_fn)`. """ def fn(x): return jnp.sqrt(2) * jnp.sin(jnp.sqrt(2 * gamma) * x + jnp.pi / 4) def kernel_fn(k: Kernel) -> Kernel: """Compute new kernels after an `Rbf` layer.""" cov1, nngp, cov2, ntk = k.cov1, k.nngp, k.cov2, k.ntk sum11, sum12, sum22 = get_diagonal_outer_prods(cov1, cov2, k.diagonal_batch, k.diagonal_spatial, op.add) def nngp_ntk_fn(nngp, sum_, ntk): nngp = jnp.exp(gamma * (-sum_ + 2 * nngp)) if ntk is not None: ntk *= 2 * gamma * nngp return nngp, ntk def nngp_fn_diag(nngp): return jnp.ones_like(nngp) nngp, ntk = nngp_ntk_fn(nngp, sum12, ntk) if k.diagonal_batch and k.diagonal_spatial: cov1 = nngp_fn_diag(cov1) if cov2 is not None: cov2 = nngp_fn_diag(cov2) else: cov1, _ = nngp_ntk_fn(cov1, sum11, None) if cov2 is not None: cov2, _ = nngp_ntk_fn(cov2, sum22, None) return k.replace(cov1=cov1, nngp=nngp, cov2=cov2, ntk=ntk) return _elementwise(fn, f'Rbf({gamma})', kernel_fn)
[docs] @layer @supports_masking(remask_kernel=False) def ABRelu( a: float, b: float, do_stabilize: bool = False ) -> InternalLayer: """ABReLU nonlinearity, i.e. `a * min(x, 0) + b * max(x, 0)`. Args: a: slope for `x < 0`. b: slope for `x > 0`. do_stabilize: set to `True` for very deep networks. Returns: `(init_fn, apply_fn, kernel_fn)`. """ def fn(x): return a * jnp.minimum(x, 0) + b * jnp.maximum(x, 0) def kernel_fn(k: Kernel) -> Kernel: """Compute new kernels after an `ABRelu` layer. See "`Invariance of Weight Distributions in Rectified MLPs <>`_" for the leaky ReLU derivation. """ cov1, nngp, cov2, ntk = k.cov1, k.nngp, k.cov2, k.ntk if do_stabilize: factor = jnp.maximum(jnp.max(jnp.abs(nngp)), 1e-12) nngp /= factor cov1 /= factor if cov2 is not None: cov2 /= factor prod11, prod12, prod22 = get_diagonal_outer_prods(cov1, cov2, k.diagonal_batch, k.diagonal_spatial, op.mul) def nngp_ntk_fn(nngp, prod, ntk=None): square_root = _sqrt(prod - nngp**2) angles = _arctan2(square_root, nngp, fill_zero=jnp.pi / 2) factor = (a - b)**2 / (2 * jnp.pi) dot_sigma = (a**2 + b**2) / 2 - factor * angles nngp = factor * square_root + dot_sigma * nngp if ntk is not None: ntk *= dot_sigma return nngp, ntk def nngp_fn_diag(nngp): return (a**2 + b**2) / 2 * nngp nngp, ntk = nngp_ntk_fn(nngp, prod12, ntk=ntk) if k.diagonal_batch and k.diagonal_spatial: cov1 = nngp_fn_diag(cov1) if cov2 is not None: cov2 = nngp_fn_diag(cov2) else: cov1, _ = nngp_ntk_fn(cov1, prod11) if cov2 is not None: cov2, _ = nngp_ntk_fn(cov2, prod22) if do_stabilize: nngp *= factor cov1 *= factor if cov2 is not None: cov2 *= factor return k.replace(cov1=cov1, nngp=nngp, cov2=cov2, ntk=ntk) return _elementwise(fn, f'ABReLU({a}, {b})', kernel_fn)
[docs] def Relu(do_stabilize: bool = False) -> InternalLayer: """ReLU nonlinearity. Args: do_stabilize: set to `True` for very deep networks. Returns: `(init_fn, apply_fn, kernel_fn)`. """ return ABRelu(0, 1, do_stabilize)
[docs] def LeakyRelu(alpha: float, do_stabilize: bool = False) -> InternalLayer: """Leaky ReLU nonlinearity, i.e. `alpha * min(x, 0) + max(x, 0)`. Args: alpha: slope for `x < 0`. do_stabilize: set to `True` for very deep networks. Returns: `(init_fn, apply_fn, kernel_fn)`. """ return ABRelu(alpha, 1, do_stabilize)
[docs] def Abs(do_stabilize: bool = False) -> InternalLayer: """Absolute value nonlinearity. Args: do_stabilize: set to `True` for very deep networks. Returns: `(init_fn, apply_fn, kernel_fn)`. """ return ABRelu(-1, 1, do_stabilize)
[docs] @layer @supports_masking(remask_kernel=False) def Sign() -> InternalLayer: """Sign function. Returns: `(init_fn, apply_fn, kernel_fn)`. """ def fn(x): return jnp.sign(x) def kernel_fn(k: Kernel) -> Kernel: cov1, nngp, cov2, ntk = k.cov1, k.nngp, k.cov2, k.ntk if ntk is not None: ntk = jnp.zeros_like(ntk) _, prod12, _ = get_diagonal_outer_prods(cov1, cov2, k.diagonal_batch, k.diagonal_spatial, op.mul) angles = _arctan2(_sqrt(prod12 - nngp**2), nngp, fill_zero=jnp.pi / 2) nngp = 1 - angles * 2 / jnp.pi cov1 = jnp.where(cov1 == 0., 0., 1.) cov2 = cov2 if cov2 is None else jnp.where(cov2 == 0, 0., 1.) k = k.replace(cov1=cov1, nngp=nngp, cov2=cov2, ntk=ntk) return k return _elementwise(fn, 'Sign', kernel_fn)
[docs] @layer @supports_masking(remask_kernel=True) def Exp(a: float = 1, b: float = 1) -> InternalLayer: """Elementwise natural exponent function `a * jnp.exp(b * x)`. Returns: `(init_fn, apply_fn, kernel_fn)`. """ def fn(x): return a * jnp.exp(b * x) def kernel_fn(k: Kernel) -> Kernel: """Compute new kernels after an `Exp` layer.""" cov1, nngp, cov2, ntk = k.cov1, k.nngp, k.cov2, k.ntk sum11, sum12, sum22 = get_diagonal_outer_prods( cov1, cov2, k.diagonal_batch, k.diagonal_spatial, op.add) def nngp_ntk_fn(nngp, sum_, ntk): nngp = jnp.exp(b ** 2 * (sum_ / 2 + nngp)) if ntk is not None: ntk *= b**2 * nngp return nngp, ntk def nngp_fn_diag(nngp): return jnp.exp(2 * b ** 2 * nngp) nngp, ntk = nngp_ntk_fn(nngp, sum12, ntk) if k.diagonal_batch and k.diagonal_spatial: cov1 = nngp_fn_diag(cov1) if cov2 is not None: cov2 = nngp_fn_diag(cov2) else: cov1, _ = nngp_ntk_fn(cov1, sum11, None) if cov2 is not None: cov2, _ = nngp_ntk_fn(cov2, sum22, None) return k.replace(cov1=cov1, nngp=nngp, cov2=cov2, ntk=ntk) * a return _elementwise(fn, f'Exp({a}, {b})', kernel_fn)
[docs] @layer @supports_masking(remask_kernel=True) def Gaussian(a: float = 1, b: float = -1) -> InternalLayer: """Elementwise Gaussian function `a * jnp.exp(b * x**2)`. Returns: `(init_fn, apply_fn, kernel_fn)`. """ def fn(x): return a * jnp.exp(b * x ** 2) def kernel_fn(k: Kernel) -> Kernel: cov1, nngp, cov2, ntk = k.cov1, k.nngp, k.cov2, k.ntk cov1_denom = 1 - 2 * b * cov1 cov2_denom = None if cov2 is None else 1 - 2 * b * cov2 prod11, prod12, prod22 = get_diagonal_outer_prods(cov1_denom, cov2_denom, k.diagonal_batch, k.diagonal_spatial, op.mul) factor = 4 * b**2 def nngp_ntk_fn( nngp: jnp.ndarray, prod: jnp.ndarray, ntk: Optional[jnp.ndarray] = None ) -> tuple[jnp.ndarray, Optional[jnp.ndarray]]: det = _sqrt((prod - factor * nngp**2)) if ntk is not None: ntk *= factor * nngp / det**3 nngp = 1 / det return nngp, ntk def nngp_fn_diag(nngp: jnp.ndarray) -> jnp.ndarray: return 1 / _sqrt(1 - 4 * b * nngp) nngp, ntk = nngp_ntk_fn(nngp, prod12, ntk) if k.diagonal_batch and k.diagonal_spatial: cov1 = nngp_fn_diag(cov1) if cov2 is not None: cov2 = nngp_fn_diag(cov2) else: cov1, _ = nngp_ntk_fn(cov1, prod11) if cov2 is not None: cov2, _ = nngp_ntk_fn(cov2, prod22) return k.replace(cov1=cov1, nngp=nngp, cov2=cov2, ntk=ntk) * a return _elementwise(fn, f'Gaussian({a}, {b})', kernel_fn)
[docs] @layer @supports_masking(remask_kernel=True) def ExpNormalized( gamma: float = 1, shift: float = -1, do_clip: bool = False ) -> InternalLayer: """Simulates the "Gaussian normalized kernel". See page 6 in "`Neural Kernels Without Tangents <>`_". Args: gamma: exponent scalar coefficient. shift: shift exponentiated normalized covariance by this much. do_clip: True to clip normalized covariance, potentially improving accuracy. Returns: `(init_fn, apply_fn, kernel_fn)`. Raises: NotImplementedError: if finite width `apply_fn` is called. """ def kernel_fn(k: Kernel) -> Kernel: cov1, cov2, nngp, ntk = k.cov1, k.cov2, k.nngp, k.ntk prod11, prod12, prod22 = get_diagonal_outer_prods(cov1, cov2, k.diagonal_batch, k.diagonal_spatial, op.mul) tol = 1e-30 prod11 = _sqrt(prod11, tol) prod12 = _sqrt(prod12, tol) prod22 = _sqrt(prod22, tol) if prod22 is not None else None def exp(cov, prod): if cov is not None: cov /= prod if do_clip: cov = jnp.clip(cov, -1, 1) cov = jnp.exp(gamma * (cov + shift)) return cov exp12 = exp(nngp, prod12) return k.replace( nngp=prod12 * exp12, cov1=prod11 * exp(cov1, prod11), cov2=None if cov2 is None else prod22 * exp(cov2, prod22), ntk=ntk if ntk is None else gamma * ntk * exp12) return _elementwise(None, 'ExpNormalized', kernel_fn)
[docs] @layer @supports_masking(remask_kernel=True) def Hermite(degree: int) -> InternalLayer: """Hermite polynomials. Inputs to this layer are assumed to have unit norm, i.e. `jnp.std(x, axis=channel_axis) == 1`. The Hermite polynomials are normalized so that the L2 norm w.r.t. standard Gaussian is 1. Args: degree: a non-negative integer. Returns: `(init_fn, apply_fn, kernel_fn)`. """ if degree < 0: raise NotImplementedError('`degree` must be a non-negative integer.') p = np.polynomial.hermite_e.herme2poly([0] * degree + [1])[::-1] coeff = functools.reduce(op.mul, range(1, degree + 1), 1)**0.5 def fn(x): return jnp.polyval(p, x) / coeff def kernel_fn(k: Kernel) -> Kernel: warnings.warn( 'Inputs to this layer are assumed to have unit norm across ' ' channels/features, i.e. jnp.std(x, axis=channel_axis) == 1.') cov1, nngp, cov2, ntk = k.cov1, k.nngp, k.cov2, k.ntk if ntk is not None: if degree == 0: ntk = jnp.zeros_like(ntk) else: ntk = degree * nngp**(degree - 1) * ntk def _power(mat): return mat**degree if mat is not None else None nngp, cov1, cov2 = map(_power, (nngp, cov1, cov2)) k = k.replace(cov1=cov1, nngp=nngp, cov2=cov2, ntk=ntk) return k return _elementwise(fn, f'{degree}-Hermite polynomial', kernel_fn)
[docs] @layer @supports_masking(remask_kernel=False) def Monomial(degree: int) -> InternalLayer: """Monomials, i.e. `x^degree`. Args: degree: an integer between 0 and 5. Returns: `(init_fn, apply_fn, kernel_fn)`. """ if degree not in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]: raise NotImplementedError('The `degree` must be an integer between ' '`0` and `5`.') def fn(x): return x**degree def kernel_fn(k: Kernel) -> Kernel: cov1, nngp, cov2, ntk = k.cov1, k.nngp, k.cov2, k.ntk prod11, prod12, prod22 = get_diagonal_outer_prods(cov1, cov2, k.diagonal_batch, k.diagonal_spatial, op.mul) def nngp_ntk_fn( nngp: jnp.ndarray, prod: jnp.ndarray, ntk: Optional[jnp.ndarray] = None ) -> tuple[jnp.ndarray, Optional[jnp.ndarray]]: def nngp_fn(nngp: jnp.ndarray, degree: int) -> jnp.ndarray: if degree == -1: nngp = jnp.zeros_like(nngp) elif degree == 0: nngp = jnp.ones_like(nngp) elif degree == 1: pass elif degree == 2: nngp = 2 * nngp ** 2 + prod elif degree == 3: nngp = 6 * nngp ** 3 + 9 * nngp * prod elif degree == 4: nngp = 3 * (8 * nngp ** 4 + 3 * prod * (8 * nngp ** 2 + prod)) elif degree == 5: nngp = 15 * nngp * ( 8 * nngp ** 4 + 5 * prod * (8 * nngp ** 2 + 3 * prod)) else: raise NotImplementedError(degree) return nngp if ntk is not None: ntk *= degree**2 * nngp_fn(nngp, degree - 1) nngp = nngp_fn(nngp, degree) return nngp, ntk def nngp_fn_diag(nngp: jnp.ndarray) -> jnp.ndarray: return _double_factorial(2 * degree - 1) * nngp**degree nngp, ntk = nngp_ntk_fn(nngp, prod12, ntk) if k.diagonal_batch and k.diagonal_spatial: cov1 = nngp_fn_diag(cov1) if cov2 is not None: cov2 = nngp_fn_diag(cov2) else: cov1, _ = nngp_ntk_fn(cov1, prod11) if cov2 is not None: cov2, _ = nngp_ntk_fn(cov2, prod22) k = k.replace(cov1=cov1, nngp=nngp, cov2=cov2, ntk=ntk) return k return _elementwise(fn, f'{degree}-monomial', kernel_fn)
[docs] @layer @supports_masking(remask_kernel=False) def RectifiedMonomial(degree: int) -> InternalLayer: """Rectified monomials, i.e. `(x >= 0) * x^degree`. Args: degree: a non-negative integer power. Returns: `(init_fn, apply_fn, kernel_fn)`. """ if degree < 0: raise NotImplementedError('`degree` must be a non-negative integer.') def fn(x): return (x >= 0) * x**degree def kernel_fn(k: Kernel) -> Kernel: cov1, nngp, cov2, ntk = k.cov1, k.nngp, k.cov2, k.ntk prod11, prod12, prod22 = get_diagonal_outer_prods(cov1, cov2, k.diagonal_batch, k.diagonal_spatial, op.mul) def j(nngp: jnp.ndarray, sqrt_prod: jnp.ndarray) -> jnp.ndarray: theta = jnp.arccos(nngp / sqrt_prod) def f0(theta: jnp.ndarray) -> jnp.ndarray: return (jnp.pi - theta) / jnp.sin(theta) def diff(f: Callable[[jnp.ndarray], jnp.ndarray] ) -> Callable[[jnp.ndarray], jnp.ndarray]: def df(theta: jnp.ndarray) -> jnp.ndarray: return jnp.vectorize(grad(f))(theta) / jnp.sin(theta) return df f = f0 for _ in range(degree): f = diff(f) return (-1)**degree * (jnp.sin(theta))**(2 * degree + 1) * f(theta) def nngp_ntk_fn( nngp: jnp.ndarray, prod: jnp.ndarray, ntk: Optional[jnp.ndarray] = None ) -> tuple[jnp.ndarray, Optional[jnp.ndarray]]: sqrt_prod = _sqrt(prod) coeff = sqrt_prod**degree / (2 * jnp.pi) if ntk is not None: if degree == 0: ntk = jnp.zeros_like(ntk) else: j_dot = jnp.vectorize(grad(j))(nngp, sqrt_prod) ntk *= coeff * j_dot nngp = coeff * j(nngp, sqrt_prod) return nngp, ntk def nngp_fn_diag(nngp: jnp.ndarray) -> jnp.ndarray: return _double_factorial(2 * degree - 1) * nngp**degree / 2 nngp, ntk = nngp_ntk_fn(nngp, prod12, ntk) if k.diagonal_batch and k.diagonal_spatial: cov1 = nngp_fn_diag(cov1) if cov2 is not None: cov2 = nngp_fn_diag(cov2) else: cov1, _ = nngp_ntk_fn(cov1, prod11) if cov2 is not None: cov2, _ = nngp_ntk_fn(cov2, prod22) k = k.replace(cov1=cov1, nngp=nngp, cov2=cov2, ntk=ntk) return k return _elementwise(fn, f'{degree}-rectified-monomial', kernel_fn)
[docs] @layer @supports_masking(remask_kernel=False) def Polynomial(coef: Sequence[float]) -> InternalLayer: """Polynomials, i.e. `coef[0] + coef[1] * x + … + coef[n] * x**n`. Args: coef: a sequence of coefficients. Follows :class:`numpy.polynomial.polynomial.Polynomial` API. Returns: `(init_fn, apply_fn, kernel_fn)`. """ coef = np.array(coef) def fn(x): return jnp.polyval(coef[::-1], x) degree = len(coef) def kernel_fn(k: Kernel) -> Kernel: cov1, nngp, cov2, ntk = k.cov1, k.nngp, k.cov2, k.ntk def r(n: Optional[jnp.ndarray], l: int) -> Optional[jnp.ndarray]: if n is None: return None coef_dict = { 2 * i + l: coef[2 * i + l] * _factorial(2 * i + l) / ( 2**i * _factorial(i) * _factorial(l)**0.5) for i in range(0, (degree - 1 - l) // 2 + 1) } coef_l = np.array( [coef_dict[i] if i in coef_dict else 0 for i in range(degree)]) return jnp.polyval(coef_l[::-1], n ** 0.5) if degree == 0: rs11, rs12, rs22 = [], [], [] else: rs11, rs12, rs22 = list(zip(*[ get_diagonal_outer_prods(r(cov1, l), r(cov2, l), k.diagonal_batch, k.diagonal_spatial, op.mul) for l in range(degree) ])) prod11, prod12, prod22 = get_diagonal_outer_prods(cov1, cov2, k.diagonal_batch, k.diagonal_spatial, op.mul) def nngp_ntk_fn( nngp: jnp.ndarray, prod: jnp.ndarray, r_prods: Sequence[jnp.ndarray], ntk: Optional[jnp.ndarray] = None ) -> tuple[jnp.ndarray, Optional[jnp.ndarray]]: ratio = nngp / _sqrt(prod) if ntk is not None: t_dot = jnp.zeros_like(ntk) for l in range(1, degree): t_dot += l * r_prods[l] * ratio**(l - 1) ntk *= t_dot / _sqrt(prod) nngp = jnp.zeros_like(nngp) for l in range(degree): nngp += r_prods[l] * ratio ** l return nngp, ntk def nngp_fn_diag(nngp: jnp.ndarray, r_prods: Sequence[jnp.ndarray]) -> jnp.ndarray: out = jnp.zeros_like(nngp) for l in range(degree): out += r_prods[l] return out nngp, ntk = nngp_ntk_fn(nngp, prod12, rs12, ntk) if k.diagonal_batch and k.diagonal_spatial: cov1 = nngp_fn_diag(cov1, rs11) if cov2 is not None: cov2 = nngp_fn_diag(cov2, rs22) else: cov1, _ = nngp_ntk_fn(cov1, prod11, rs11) if cov2 is not None: cov2, _ = nngp_ntk_fn(cov2, prod22, rs22) k = k.replace(cov1=cov1, nngp=nngp, cov2=cov2, ntk=ntk) return k return _elementwise(fn, f'{coef}-polynomial', kernel_fn)
[docs] @layer @supports_masking(remask_kernel=True) def Elementwise( fn: Optional[Callable[[float], float]] = None, nngp_fn: Optional[Callable[[float, float, float], float]] = None, d_nngp_fn: Optional[Callable[[float, float, float], float]] = None ) -> InternalLayer: """Elementwise application of `fn` using provided `nngp_fn`. Constructs a layer given only scalar-valued nonlinearity / activation `fn` and the 2D integral `nngp_fn`. NTK function is derived automatically in closed form from `nngp_fn`. If you cannot provide the `nngp_fn`, see :obj:`ElementwiseNumerical` to use numerical integration or `nt.monte_carlo.monte_carlo_kernel_fn` to use Monte Carlo sampling. If your function is implemented separately (e.g. `nt.stax.Relu` etc) it's best to use the custom implementation, since it uses symbolically simplified expressions that are more precise and numerically stable. For details, please see "`Fast Neural Kernel Embeddings for General Activations <>`_". See Also: `examples/`. Example: >>> fn = jax.scipy.special.erf # type: Callable[[float], float] >>> # >>> def nngp_fn(cov12: float, var1: float, var2: float) -> float: >>> prod = (1 + 2 * var1) * (1 + 2 * var2) >>> return jnp.arcsin(2 * cov12 / np.sqrt(prod)) * 2 / np.pi >>> # >>> # Use autodiff and vectorization to construct the layer: >>> _, _, kernel_fn_auto = stax.Elementwise(fn, nngp_fn) >>> # >>> # Use custom pre-derived expressions >>> # (should be faster and more numerically stable): >>> _, _, kernel_fn_stax = stax.Erf() >>> # >>> kernel_fn_auto(x1, x2) == kernel_fn_stax(x1, x2) # usually `True`. Args: fn: a scalar-input/valued function `fn : R -> R`, the activation / nonlinearity. If `None`, invoking the finite width `apply_fn` will raise an exception. nngp_fn: a scalar-valued function `nngp_fn : (cov12, var1, var2) |-> E[fn(x_1) * fn(x_2)]`, where the expectation is over bivariate normal `x1, x2` with variances `var1`, `var2` and covarianve `cov12`. Needed for both NNGP and NTK calculation. If `None`, invoking infinite width `kernel_fn` will raise an exception. d_nngp_fn: an optional scalar-valued function `d_nngp_fn : (cov12, var1, var2) |-> E[fn'(x_1) * fn'(x_2)]` with the same `x1, x2` distribution as in `nngp_fn`. If `None`, will be computed using automatic differentiation as `d_nngp_fn = d(nngp_fn)/d(cov12)`, which may lead to worse precision or numerical stability. `nngp_fn` and `d_nngp_fn` are used to derive the closed-form expression for the NTK. Returns: `(init_fn, apply_fn, kernel_fn)`. Raises: NotImplementedError: if a `fn`/`nngp_fn` is not provided, but `apply_fn`/ `kernel_fn` is called respectively. """ if fn is not None: name = fn.__name__ elif nngp_fn is not None: name = nngp_fn.__name__ else: raise ValueError('No finite (`fn`) or infinite (`nngp_fn`) functions ' 'provided, the layer will not do anything.') if nngp_fn is None: kernel_fn = None else: if d_nngp_fn is None: url = '' warnings.warn( f'Using JAX autodiff to compute the `fn` derivative for NTK. Beware ' f'of {url}.') d_nngp_fn = jnp.vectorize(grad(nngp_fn)) def kernel_fn(k: Kernel) -> Kernel: cov1, nngp, cov2, ntk = k.cov1, k.nngp, k.cov2, k.ntk var1 = get_diagonal(cov1, k.diagonal_batch, k.diagonal_spatial) var2 = get_diagonal(cov2, k.diagonal_batch, k.diagonal_spatial) if ntk is not None: ntk *= _vmap_2d(d_nngp_fn, nngp, var1, var2, False, k.diagonal_spatial) nngp = _vmap_2d(nngp_fn, nngp, var1, var2, False, k.diagonal_spatial) cov1 = _vmap_2d( nngp_fn, cov1, var1, None, k.diagonal_batch, k.diagonal_spatial) if cov2 is not None: cov2 = _vmap_2d( nngp_fn, cov2, var2, None, k.diagonal_batch, k.diagonal_spatial) return k.replace(cov1=cov1, nngp=nngp, cov2=cov2, ntk=ntk) return _elementwise(fn, name, kernel_fn)
[docs] @layer @supports_masking(remask_kernel=True) def ElementwiseNumerical( fn: Callable[[float], float], deg: int, df: Optional[Callable[[float], float]] = None ) -> InternalLayer: """Activation function using numerical integration. Supports general activation functions using Gauss-Hermite quadrature. For details, please see "`Fast Neural Kernel Embeddings for General Activations <>`_". See Also: `examples/`. Args: fn: activation function. deg: number of sample points and weights for quadrature. It must be >= 1. We observe for smooth activations `deg=25` is a good place to start. For non-smooth activation functions (e.g. ReLU, Abs) quadrature is not recommended (for now use `nt.monte_carlo_kernel_fn`). Due to bivariate integration, compute time and memory scale as O(deg**2) for more precision. See eq (13) in for error estimates in the case of 1d Gauss-Hermite quadrature. df: optional, derivative of the activation function (`fn`). If not provided, it is computed by `jax.grad`. Providing analytic derivative can speed up the NTK computations. Returns: `(init_fn, apply_fn, kernel_fn)`. """ warnings.warn( f'Numerical Activation Layer with fn={fn}, deg={deg} used!' 'Note that numerical error is controlled by `deg` and for a given' 'tolerance level, required `deg` will highly be dependent on the choice' 'of `fn`.') quad_points = sp.special.roots_hermite(deg) if df is None: url = '' warnings.warn( f'Using JAX autodiff to compute the `fn` derivative for NTK. Beware of ' f'{url}.') df = jnp.vectorize(grad(fn)) def kernel_fn(k: Kernel) -> Kernel: """Kernel transformation of activation function using quadrature.""" cov1, nngp, cov2, ntk = k.cov1, k.nngp, k.cov2, k.ntk d1 = get_diagonal(cov1, k.diagonal_batch, k.diagonal_spatial) d2 = get_diagonal(cov2, k.diagonal_batch, k.diagonal_spatial) end_axis = 1 if k.diagonal_spatial else cov1.ndim q11 = utils.interleave_ones(d1, 0, end_axis, True) q22 = utils.interleave_ones(d1 if d2 is None else d2, 0, end_axis, False) def nngp_ntk_fn(nngp, q11, q22, ntk=None): """Simple Gauss-Hermite quadrature routine.""" xs, ws = quad_points grid = jnp.outer(ws, ws) x = xs.reshape((xs.shape[0],) + (1,) * (nngp.ndim + 1)) y = xs.reshape((1, xs.shape[0]) + (1,) * nngp.ndim) xy_axes = (0, 1) nngp = jnp.expand_dims(nngp, xy_axes) q11, q22 = jnp.expand_dims(q11, xy_axes), jnp.expand_dims(q22, xy_axes) def integrate(f): fvals = f(_sqrt(2 * q11) * x) * f( # pytype: disable=wrong-arg-types # jnp-type nngp / _sqrt(q11 / 2, 1e-30) * x + _sqrt( 2*(q22 - nngp**2/q11)) * y) return jnp.tensordot(grid, fvals, (xy_axes, xy_axes)) / jnp.pi if ntk is not None: ntk *= integrate(df) nngp = integrate(fn) return nngp, ntk def nngp_fn_diag(nngp): xs, ws = quad_points x = xs.reshape((xs.shape[0],) + (1,) * nngp.ndim) x_axes = (0,) nngp = jnp.expand_dims(nngp, x_axes) fval = fn(_sqrt(2 * nngp) * x) ** 2 return jnp.tensordot(ws, fval, (x_axes, x_axes)) / jnp.sqrt(jnp.pi) nngp, ntk = nngp_ntk_fn(nngp, q11, q22, ntk) if k.diagonal_batch and k.diagonal_spatial: cov1 = nngp_fn_diag(cov1) if cov2 is not None: cov2 = nngp_fn_diag(cov2) else: start_axis = 1 if k.diagonal_batch else 0 q11 = utils.interleave_ones(d1, start_axis, end_axis, True) q22 = utils.interleave_ones(d1, start_axis, end_axis, False) cov1, _ = nngp_ntk_fn(cov1, q11, q22) if cov2 is not None: q11 = utils.interleave_ones(d2, start_axis, end_axis, True) q22 = utils.interleave_ones(d2, start_axis, end_axis, False) cov2, _ = nngp_ntk_fn(cov2, q11, q22) return k.replace(cov1=cov1, nngp=nngp, cov2=cov2, ntk=ntk) return _elementwise(fn, f'ElementwiseNumerical({fn},deg={deg})', kernel_fn)
def _elementwise( fn: Optional[Callable[[float], float]], name: str, kernel_fn: Optional[LayerKernelFn], ) -> InternalLayer: init_fn = lambda rng, input_shape: (input_shape, ()) def apply_fn(params, inputs, **kwargs): if fn is None: raise NotImplementedError(fn) return fn(inputs) @requires(diagonal_spatial=Diagonal()) def new_kernel_fn(k: Kernel, **kwargs) -> Kernel: if kernel_fn is None: raise NotImplementedError(kernel_fn) if not k.is_gaussian: raise ValueError('The input to the activation function must be Gaussian, ' 'i.e. a random affine transform is required before the ' 'activation function.') k = kernel_fn(k) return k.replace(is_gaussian=False) init_fn.__name__ = apply_fn.__name__ = new_kernel_fn.__name__ = name return init_fn, apply_fn, new_kernel_fn @functools.partial(custom_jvp, nondiff_argnums=(1,)) def _sqrt(x, tol=0.): return jnp.sqrt(jnp.maximum(x, tol)) @getattr(_sqrt, 'defjvp', lambda f: f) # ReadTheDocs-friendly `@_sqrt.defjvp`. def _sqrt_jvp(tol, primals, tangents): x, = primals x_dot, = tangents safe_tol = max(tol, 1e-30) square_root = _sqrt(x, safe_tol) square_root_out = _sqrt(x, tol) return square_root_out, jnp.where(x > safe_tol, x_dot / (2 * square_root), 0.) @functools.partial(custom_jvp, nondiff_argnums=(2,)) def _arctan2(x, y, fill_zero: Optional[float] = None): if fill_zero is not None: return jnp.where(jnp.bitwise_and(x == 0., y == 0.), fill_zero, jnp.arctan2(x, y)) return jnp.arctan2(x, y) @getattr(_arctan2, 'defjvp', lambda f: f) # Equivalent to `@_arctan2.defjvp`. def _arctan2_jvp(fill_zero, primals, tangents): x, y = primals x_dot, y_dot = tangents primal_out = _arctan2(x, y, fill_zero) safe_tol = 1e-30 denom = jnp.maximum(x ** 2 + y ** 2, safe_tol) tangent_out = x_dot * (y / denom) - y_dot * (x / denom) return primal_out, tangent_out def _vmap_2d( fn: Callable[[float, float, float], float], cov12: jnp.ndarray, var1: jnp.ndarray, var2: Optional[jnp.ndarray], diagonal_batch: bool, diagonal_spatial: bool ) -> jnp.ndarray: """Effectively a "2D vmap" of `fn(cov12, var1, var2)`. Applicable for all possible kernel layouts. Args: fn: scalar-valued, elementwise `fn(cov12, var1, var2)` function to apply. cov12: covariance tensor (`q12`), `nngp`/`ntk`/`cov1`/`cov2`, of shape `(N1[, N2])`, `(N1[, N2], X, Y, ...)`, `(N1[, N2], X, X, Y, Y, ...)` depending on `diagonal_batch`, `diagonal_spatial`, and the number of spatial dimensions. var1: variance tensor (`q11`), has shape `(N1[, X, Y, ...])`. var2: variance tensor (`q22`), has shape `(N1[, X, Y, ...])`. diagonal_batch: `True` if `cov12` has only one batch dimension. diagonal_spatial: `True` if `cov12` has spatial dimensions appearing once (vs twice). Returns: Resulting array `[fn(cov12[i, j], var1[i], var2[j])]_{i j}`. Has the same shape as `cov12`. """ batch_ndim = 1 if diagonal_batch else 2 start = 2 - batch_ndim cov_end = batch_ndim if diagonal_spatial else cov12.ndim _cov12 = utils.make_2d(cov12, start, cov_end) var_end = 1 if diagonal_spatial else var1.ndim var1 = var1.reshape(var1.shape[:start] + (-1,) + var1.shape[var_end:]) var2 = var1 if var2 is None else var2.reshape(var2.shape[:start] + (-1,) + var2.shape[var_end:]) fn = vmap( vmap( jnp.vectorize(fn), in_axes=(start, None, start), out_axes=start ), in_axes=(start, start, None), out_axes=start ) out = fn(_cov12, var1, var2) # type: jnp.ndarray out_shape = (cov12.shape[:start] + cov12.shape[start:cov_end:2] + cov12.shape[start + 1:cov_end:2] + cov12.shape[cov_end:]) out = out.reshape(out_shape) out = utils.zip_axes(out, start, cov_end) return out def _factorial(n: int) -> int: return functools.reduce(op.mul, range(1, n + 1), 1) def _double_factorial(n: int) -> int: return functools.reduce(op.mul, range(n, 0, -2), 1)