Source code for neural_tangents._src.utils.typing

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License');
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"""Common Type Definitions."""

from typing import Any, Generator, Optional, Protocol, Sequence, TYPE_CHECKING, TypeVar, Union

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp

from .kernel import Kernel

PyTree = Any
"""A PyTree, see `JAX docs`_ for details.

.. _JAX docs:

Axes = Union[int, Sequence[int]]
"""Axes specification, can be integers (`axis=-1`) or sequences (`axis=(1, 3)`).

T = TypeVar('T')

  NTTree = Union[T, list['NTTree[T]'], tuple['NTTree[T]', ...], T]
  NTTrees = Union[list['NTTree[T]'], tuple['NTTree[T]', ...]]
  # Can't use recursive types with `sphinx-autodoc-typehints`.
  NTTree = Union[list[T], tuple[T, ...], T]
  """Neural Tangents Tree.

  Trees of kernels and arrays naturally emerge in certain neural
  network computations (for example, when neural networks have nested parallel

  Mimicking JAX, we use a lightweight tree structure called an :class:`NTTree`.
  :class:`NTTree` has internal nodes that are either lists or tuples and leaves
  which are either :class:`jax.numpy.ndarray` or
  :class:`~neural_tangents.Kernel` objects.

  NTTrees = Union[list[T], tuple[T, ...]]
  """A list or tuple of :class:`NTTree` s.

Shapes = NTTree[tuple[int, ...]]
"""A shape - a tuple of integers, or an :class:`NTTree` of such tuples.

# Layer Definition.

[docs] class InitFn(Protocol): """A type alias for initialization functions. Initialization functions construct parameters for neural networks given a random key and an input shape. Specifically, they produce a tuple giving the output shape and a PyTree of parameters. """ def __call__( self, rng: jax.Array, input_shape: Shapes, **kwargs ) -> tuple[Shapes, PyTree]: ...
[docs] class ApplyFn(Protocol): """A type alias for apply functions. Apply functions do computations with finite-width neural networks. They are functions that take a PyTree of parameters and an array of inputs and produce an array of outputs. """ def __call__( self, params: PyTree, inputs: NTTree[jnp.ndarray], *args, **kwargs ) -> NTTree[jnp.ndarray]: ...
[docs] class MaskFn(Protocol): """A type alias for a masking functions. Forward-propagate a mask in a layer of a finite-width network. """ def __call__( self, mask: Union[jnp.ndarray, Sequence[jnp.ndarray]], input_shape: Shapes, ) -> Union[jnp.ndarray, Sequence[jnp.ndarray]]: ...
KernelOrInput = Union[NTTree[Kernel], NTTree[jnp.ndarray]] Get = Union[None, str, tuple[str, ...]]
[docs] class LayerKernelFn(Protocol): """A type alias for pure kernel functions. A pure kernel function takes a PyTree of Kernel object(s) and produces a PyTree of Kernel object(s). These functions are used to define new layer types. """ def __call__( self, k: NTTree[Kernel] ) -> NTTree[Kernel]: ...
[docs] class AnalyticKernelFn(Protocol): """A type alias for analytic kernel functions. A kernel function that computes an analytic kernel. Takes either a :class:`~neural_tangents.Kernel` or :class:`jax.numpy.ndarray` inputs and a `get` argument that specifies what quantities should be computed by the kernel. Returns either a :class:`~neural_tangents.Kernel` object or :class:`jax.numpy.ndarray`-s for kernels specified by `get`. """ def __call__( self, x1: KernelOrInput, x2: Optional[NTTree[jnp.ndarray]] = None, get: Get = None, **kwargs ) -> Union[NTTree[Kernel], NTTree[jnp.ndarray]]: ...
[docs] class EmpiricalGetKernelFn(Protocol): """A type alias for empirical kernel functions accepting a `get` argument. A kernel function that produces an empirical kernel from a single instantiation of a neural network specified by its parameters. Equivalent to `EmpiricalKernelFn`, but accepts a `get` argument, which can be for example `get=("nngp", "ntk")`, to compute both kernels together. """ def __call__( self, x1: NTTree[jnp.ndarray], x2: Optional[NTTree[jnp.ndarray]], get: Get, params: PyTree, **kwargs ) -> NTTree[jnp.ndarray]: ...
[docs] class EmpiricalKernelFn(Protocol): """A type alias for empirical kernel functions computing either NTK or NNGP. A kernel function that produces an empirical kernel from a single instantiation of a neural network specified by its parameters. Equivalent to `EmpiricalGetKernelFn` with `get="nngp"` or `get="ntk"`. """ def __call__( self, x1: NTTree[jnp.ndarray], x2: Optional[NTTree[jnp.ndarray]], params: PyTree, **kwargs ) -> NTTree[jnp.ndarray]: ...
[docs] class MonteCarloKernelFn(Protocol): """A type alias for Monte Carlo kernel functions. A kernel function that produces an estimate of an `AnalyticKernel` by monte carlo sampling given a `PRNGKey`. """ def __call__( self, x1: NTTree[jnp.ndarray], x2: Optional[NTTree[jnp.ndarray]], get: Get = None, **kwargs ) -> Union[NTTree[jnp.ndarray], Generator[NTTree[jnp.ndarray], None, None]]: ...
KernelFn = Union[ AnalyticKernelFn, EmpiricalKernelFn, EmpiricalGetKernelFn, MonteCarloKernelFn, ] InternalLayer = tuple[InitFn, ApplyFn, LayerKernelFn] InternalLayerMasked = tuple[InitFn, ApplyFn, LayerKernelFn, MaskFn] Layer = tuple[InitFn, ApplyFn, AnalyticKernelFn] Kernels = Union[list[Kernel], tuple[Kernel, ...]] """Kernel inputs/outputs of `FanOut`, `FanInSum`, etc. """ _VMapAxis = Optional[PyTree] """A `PyTree` of integers. """ VMapAxisTriple = tuple[_VMapAxis, _VMapAxis, dict[str, _VMapAxis]] VMapAxes = Union[_VMapAxis, VMapAxisTriple] """Specifies `(input, output, kwargs)` axes for `vmap` in empirical NTK. """